I didn't send one of these last week
since I was at home for the long weekend and my time was pretty
occupied. It's a shame, too. I could have written a damn essay on Kyle
Rittenhouse alone and just be getting started. I don't have nearly as
much stuff this week. I'm back in the school grind, but I think my
hardest semester is behind me now, and since I already have a job, I'm
really just trying not to drop the ball. So it's been pretty chill up
here, at least compared to previous semesters.
College COVID Recap
wins again; we are fucked. If you'll bear with me, I think it's a good
idea to peruse the information, since I think my school serves as a
microcosm for all kinds of chaos happening all over the country. After
the explosion of cases, they switched to daily updates, so I have a lot
more information to work with here.
The number of positive tests since move-in is currently making its way toward 1000. By itself,
that's a worrying number, and it has nowhere to go but up, though
fortunately the growth doesn't currently look exponential. Also, it's
now very obvious that this growth is happening internally rather than
being brought in from outside. Far more
tests were conducted before three weeks ago than after, since everyone
moving into on-campus housing had to get tested, but only a handful of those
tests were positive. After that date, there have been far fewer tests,
but the number of cases has exploded. My understanding is that the
university is now testing people if they feel sick, were exposed to
someone who tested positive, were out of town, or who requested a test
for some other reason. Of course, the university has a limited ability
to perform contact tracing, so they can't really lock down everyone
who's been exposed to someone who just tested positive, and most people
who are positive haven't gotten test results yet. Luke, the point is
that someone is going to die, and it will have been fully preventable.
Obviously the dipshit freshmen who don't care about the health of their
peers are terrible, but the blame for this falls squarely on administrators who had the resources to predict this possibility.
The school is
scrambling, and I don't know how long they'll keep this up before they
send us all home. This week, they unceremoniously kicked everyone out of
one of the residence halls to make room for more isolation space. No one had any indication this was a possibility, so I can't imagine this was part of the plan.
I believe they're moving a number of these kids into a nearby hotel, so have fun walking to class, I guess.
the primary schools in town have shut down, so you have to imagine that
it won't be too long until we meet the same end. Maybe they'll hold out
to the tuition refund deadline of October 15th. Hopefully nobody's dead
by then. Many students have now been suspended for misconduct, but it's probably not enough.
been going pretty hard on the administration in this message, but I don't really believe
most of the conspiracies. I think they genuinely thought that students
would be more adept at slowing spread and didn't anticipate many of the
problems that have arisen. But others are going much harder. Many are
pretty much calling the university president a killer. I've seen some
socially-distanced protesters about. I think a lot of folks really
believe that the administration fully anticipated what has happened and did
it anyway to make more money. So tensions are pretty high.
Apocalypse Recap
I think it's not a bad idea to start grouping together all the
new apocalyptic events since they just keep coming. I'm sure you've seen
it, but California's on fire and the whole west coast is red now.
It'd be a cool aesthetic if it weren't so terrifying.
Someone cut together a
Blade Runner video from
unedited footage. One of my professors who is teaching remotely from
the west coast literally got evacuated from his apartment during a
lecture when burning ash started raining down from the sky. At this
stage of the apocalypse, why the fuck not? God have mercy on us. One
thing I should point out is that this was
not caused by a gender reveal party gone wrong, no matter how much Twitter wishes it were. Yes, pyrotechnics at
one ridiculous gender reveal party did cause one of the earlier fires, but if it were just that, it wouldn't have gotten like this.
From CNN. The El Dorado gender-reveal fire. |
No, most of them were caused by a
big dry lightning storm. No tragic irony was involved. It was just God smiting us the good old fashioned way. Okay, there may still be a
bit of tragic irony here. We'll be seeing red skies more frequently as the planet gets hotter.
Everything Else
I could make this whole email about
Shoe0nHead and
Chris Ray Gun,
but I'm going to try not to. In case you don't know who I'm talking
about (though I'm sure you do to at least some degree) they're both
left-leaning semi-political YouTubers who gained notoriety from making
fun of
” in the #GamerGate era. They both followed a similar
trajectory. They always avoided getting into
“save the west
” territory
and were more focused on comedy. And they're both pretty funny. You'll
recall I sent you Shoe's
“Hell World”
video when the George Floyd protests took off. These two have been
through the ringer the last two weeks like you wouldn't believe. It
starts when Shoe starts hanging out with leftist streamer
Vaush and starts evolving and discussing her leftist political views, particularly on
her Twitter.
Since her fans are pretty politically diverse, quite a lot of them
weren't happy about this. These guys could get so ridiculous that
there's now
a novelty account dedicated to right-wing Shoe0nHead simps. Chris Ray Gun was also a guest on one of his streams. To be clear, I didn't like any of this either. Vaush is a
complete dumbass and a
complete commie.
He's very polite to people and has an inviting
” vibe, but
he's really competing for dumbest
“Internet leftist,
” and there's some
tough competition for that title. I also think there's a fighting chance
he's a nonce.
don't think that he's a good person to be aligning oneself with. But
whatever, Shoe0nHead can talk to whomever she pleases. I'm not going to
do the whole guilt by association charade.
But then Shoe went on a 24-hour trans rights stream hosted by
The Serfs which
was probably a mistake given all the commie guests. There's been a
number of these trans rights megastreams and they seem to inevitably get
out of hand. This one definitely did. After Shoe had left the stream, a
bunch of LARPers started discussing what would be done with all the
cops after the violent communist revolution. It's cringe. After this
stream, her ex-friend fellow
” right-wing YouTuber Sargon of
Akkad made
a pearl-clutching video
attacking Shoe in pretty ridiculous fashion. As evidence that the
people she was spending time with were no good, he included a clip of
one of the other guests engaging in the
“what to do with all the former
” discourse. But Sargon's single-digit-IQ fans thought that the
person talking in the clip was Shoe, and have gone after her
aggressively, and then after Chris for defending her among other things.
There's this raging mob of people attacking them as communists or
concern-trolling about their tragic descent into left-wing politics.
Also there's a lot of simps.
that's hardly the end of it. That'd be too easy. Now that they're
trying to engage more in left-wing online politics (well, mostly Shoe.
Chris tends to get shit by extension), they're getting scrutinized by
the insufferable people in that circle. So while one mob is running
around calling them both communists 24/7, an entirely separate group is
running around calling them Nazis 24/7 for participating in #GamerGate
to purity test leftists who dare speak to them.
Chris Ray Gun is a Nazi and
a communist at the same time. There was even a group of leftists
literally body-shaming Shoe using some kind of pretzel logic.
can't remember the last time I saw anyone get hammered this hard from
the far right and the far left at the same time by no real fault of
their own. It has been incredible to watch.
In a strange government overreach, Naples has
imposed a mandatory DNA registry for all dogs
so that they can determine what dog owners don't pick up their dog's
shit. You have to imagine that it'd be cheaper to just hire people to
clean it up. No, government, you may not have my dog's blood. Jesus
Okay, finally I want to talk about the movie Cuties,
recently released on Netflix. Unlike other people criticizing this film
and Netflix's decision to host it, I will not be posting child
pornography in this email, so if you really want confirmation that what I
say is true, you can look it up on your own or follow a few of the
links here. If you haven't heard of Cuties, that's probably a pretty frightening introduction. But it is a fitting one. Cuties
is a French film by female director
Maïmouna Doucouré about a Muslim girl who winds up split between her
conservative upbringing and dance culture when she joins a dance troupe
composed exclusively of 11 to 13 year-old girls. Crucially, those are
the ages of the actresses. The characters are young kids, they're played
by young kids, and they look like young kids. When the film was first
released, it was not controversial. It premiered at Sundance to acclaim.
The stated purpose of the film is to criticize the hypersexualization
of young girls in online culture. Here's the movie's American poster.
this is not the original poster on Netflix. I will not show you the
original poster on Netflix because I consider it to be pornographic. As
you might imagine, that poster sparked controversy. Netflix apologized
and changed it. I thought that it probably wasn't a good reflection of
the film since no one involved in the project had a say in the Netflix
marketing, and I was hoping that this controversy would be the end of
Cuties discourse. Then the movie came out. Obviously, I have
not watched this movie. I have seen clips. I have seen enough. I don't
give a fuck about the artistic intent. These are real kids, and this
movie is a pedophile's dream come true. It's hard for me to demonstrate
this without showing it, so if you'd really like to have this proven to
you, I'd recommend you watch
PaymoneyWubby's video about it.
But I wouldn't watch it with anyone else in the room. And then I'd
probably throw my laptop into a fire when I was done watching and wash
my eyes out with dish soap. I don't know if I have a favorite way to
criticize the hypersexualization of young women, but it's definitely not
filming extended close-up sequences of real scantily-clad 11-year-olds
twerking and putting it up on Netflix for all to see. Remember,
Netflix has vehemently defended this film.
think people would be able to criticize this regardless of political
views, but unfortunately that isn't the case. The outrage has been
almost entirely from the right. Conservatives have rightly called out
how negative changes in our culture regarding sex positivity have made
this kind of soft-core child pornography appear acceptable. This is a
case where I agree with the conservative view with zero reservations. Of
course, there were also a number of QAnon folks who jumped on this
train to call out their elite pedophile cults and whatnot, but that was a
minority. It was mostly conservatives being 100% correct and concerned
parents cancelling their Netflix accounts. There were a few call-outs
across the aisle, but very few. Notably, Congresswoman Gabbard used the
#CancelNetflix hashtag.
resulted in some weird shit. Please try to remember that Congresswoman
Gabbard is a Social Democrat at the far left of the Democratic party.
But many people on the left have been defending this filth. Here's
an article from The Verge
which epitomizes the trope
“conservatives pounce.
” If your reaction to
the obvious sexual exploitation of young kids is to go after Republicans
for being too mad about it, you're pretty sick. This isn't about a
“harassment campaign
” against a
“female POC filmmaker.
” It's a campaign
against the normalization of child pornography. And if rejecting this
film makes me a prude or a pearl-clutcher, I'll gladly accept the title.
I think the world might be ending,
Jacob Morris